We were there celebrating Christmas circa 2005. Last holiday season, Nana had given us a gift certificate to the center to take a class. In March 2006, just days before our scheduled class, the place was affected by a nearby fire in downtown Overland Park. So...Ryan and I attempted to reschedule for the rest of that year but we were just too darn busy with school, work, wedding, living in Lawrence, etc. So, we FINALLY -- almost two years later -- attended a class. I'm also happy to report that the center's director now says the fire was a blessing in disguise because it's allowed her to expand her business into a nearby storefront. (I'm a sucker for stories that turn bad into good.)
We got to make a total of six different varieties of sushi including maki (roll), nigiri (fish on rice) and inari (cone). Over the course of the 3-hour class, we made and enjoyed (read: devoured) California rolls, ahi tuna, a siracha mayo with sprouts and mushrooms, smoked salmon and cream cheese rolls, and even a roll with shrimp tempura and the rice on the outside (fancy, I know). Not to mention that the two chefs leading the class threw in a sampling of miso soup, edamame, and blueberry and almond tea cookies. Needless to say, with all that food Ryan and I were quite stuffed by the end of the night.
Although I was absentminded enough to forget my camera and can’t show you photos here (sad face) , I do have to admit that Ryan and I did a fabulous job. Here are a couple of shots from Flickr (my latest obsession) that capture the essence of the evening. Wheee!

fishy loveliness...mmmm
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