Ever notice how as soon as you get something new, it’s like that thing automatically has a giant target placed upon it? For example, white tennis shoes. The first time you wear them someone is destined to step on your foot or you’ll get stuck in a downpour when there was no mention of rain in the forecast. Or, you have a giant bruise on your arm and everyone and their uncle decides to slap/squeeze/grab you there during casual conversation. (Granted that example isn't really getting something “new” and it’s actually kind of creepy that people would slap/squeeze/grab you in casual conversation, but roll with me here...)
OR, you have a new car.
Last night on the way to puppy class, the poor Yaris (Ryan still hasn’t given him a proper name yet) got "rubbed." It had recently snowed (don't even get me started on that), the roads were slick in spots, and, while coming down a hill, a car slide into us. It really wasn’t much; just a nudge that resulted in a couple of scratches to the bumper. But, it still sucked. New car, new scratch. No fun.
Ironically, the woman who hit us was an insurance agent. She immediately admitted fault, filed a claim and off we were. It was seriously the fastest and most polite “accident” I’d ever witnessed.
Hopefully, now that the car has been initiated twice (remember, it also got rubbed in the dealer’s lot before we bought it), the target is faded if not completely gone. Here’s hoping.