
The Yaris has a boo-boo.

Ever notice how as soon as you get something new, it’s like that thing automatically has a giant target placed upon it? For example, white tennis shoes. The first time you wear them someone is destined to step on your foot or you’ll get stuck in a downpour when there was no mention of rain in the forecast. Or, you have a giant bruise on your arm and everyone and their uncle decides to slap/squeeze/grab you there during casual conversation. (Granted that example isn't really getting something “new” and it’s actually kind of creepy that people would slap/squeeze/grab you in casual conversation, but roll with me here...)

OR, you have a new car.

Last night on the way to puppy class, the poor Yaris (Ryan still hasn’t given him a proper name yet) got "rubbed." It had recently snowed (don't even get me started on that), the roads were slick in spots, and, while coming down a hill, a car slide into us. It really wasn’t much; just a nudge that resulted in a couple of scratches to the bumper. But, it still sucked. New car, new scratch. No fun.

Ironically, the woman who hit us was an insurance agent. She immediately admitted fault, filed a claim and off we were. It was seriously the fastest and most polite “accident” I’d ever witnessed.

Hopefully, now that the car has been initiated twice (remember, it also got rubbed in the dealer’s lot before we bought it), the target is faded if not completely gone. Here’s hoping.



Two people came to my core training class tonight. Yay!!!

And, not to brag, but, um, they totally loved it. Oh yea.


Oh God, I'm hungover.

I seriously had the best birthday yesterday. Friday evening, my parents came over to drop off my birthday gifts and go out to dinner. They got me the latest Biggest Loser workout DVD and Guitar Hero for the Wii. So awesome:

Saturday morning, I opened my package from Tish. It's this awesome photo album along with stickers with words like hyperbole, food for thought, bad as I wanna be, and my personal favorite, beans and toast. The idea is that I take a photo to represent each title in my own creative way. How cool is that?!

I spent the afternoon at KCFitnessLink, celebrating Yoga Day and the studio's open house. After enjoying an hour of yoga, I spent a couple hours chatting with new clients and promoting my core class (Mondays, 6-7 pm, btw. hehe.). I also had a delicious lunch of sushi and this ginormous cupcake that Darryl got for my bday.

Note how its size dwarfs my hand:

That afternoon, I came home to a clean house (yay Ryan!). I took a leisurely 40-minute nap, talked to some friends and family on the phone, and played some Guitar Hero. (I'm still on the easy level, but I'm getting better.)

Then we went out to Lulu's for a tasty din-din. That's when the drinking began. lol. The circumstances that lead to the above title are as follows:
  • Mojito at Lulu's
  • Sangria-tini at Swizzel
  • 2 K Ciders, upside-down pineapple cake shot, lemon drop shot and 2 irish car bombs at Hoopers
Here's some of the gang after a couple shots:

And here's Ryan and I towards the end of the evening. Ryan is in pensive mode, I'm in feelin-it "happy cow," as Ryan calls it.

It was a late night, but seriously so much fun. Granted I have a massive headache today, but it was worth it. It's not a good b-day unless you feel it the next day, right? ;)

Also, I'd be a bad puppy mommy if I didn't mention that my b-day marks Siena's 3-month b-day. Here's a few pics of how much she's grown and what she's been up to.

Siena has taken over the papasan, which is awesome because it's really not safe for people to sit in anyways because it's falling apart. Also, we can tell Siena to, "go to papa." And she does!

Siena has two poses, crazy and sad Orphane Annie. Here's two of Annie:

And one of crazy:

In conclusion, here's a Ryan and Siena moment of Zen. Ryan's probably mad at me for putting this on You Tube, but whatever. It was my birthday, and I can post video of him dancing if I want to.


Oh God, I’m 27.

When I turned 16, it was awesome. I can drive!
When I turned 18, it was awesome. I can vote! I can gamble!
When I turned 21, it was awesome. I can drink!
When I turned 25, it was awesome. I can rent a car without extra fees!
When I turned 26, it was extra awesome. Golden birthday year!

But, now I’m 27, and there’s not much of a bonus this go-round. I thought I’d be all clever and try to create a motto for 27. Here’s what I came up with:

Pure heaven at 27. Lame.
Hittin Up 7-Eleven at 27. More lame.
Flying like a raven at 27. That doesn’t even rhyme.

So, screw it. I’m going with the creative, “Oh God, I’m 27.” Now, don’t mistake my tone. I’m not upset at being 27. In fact, I’m quite comfortable with it, but I’m still amazed that I’m actually 27...and married…with a house…and a dog. There’s no going back; I’m an adult.

Although it may not be my “golden” year, I have high hopes for 27. I’m looking to change some things up this year, and spend more time doing the things I love. Out with the gold and into the new!


Tish on TV!

Check this out, peps! There's my girl!!!



Master training

Siena had her first puppy class last night. True to form, the mini-beast was the most rambunctious puppy there, but I like to think the brightest, too. Regardless, she definitely had the most spunk and gave the instructor some sass. In so doing, however, she left the class with her rear-end totally soaked. When the instructor doesn’t like something a puppy is doing, say barking while he’s trying to talk, he squirts them with a little bit of water from a spray bottle. Needless to say, Siena was a “fighter” (his words) and took a few squirts to get the gist. (It’s the red hair in her, I guess.)

It was cuteness overload though. There were about seven other puppies there – little ones, big ones and itty-bitty ones. I could clearly pick out a lab, two golden retrievers (one was the white kind like Oprah has), a schnauzer and a very timid pekingese. Siena loved playing with them all and was very gentle to the ones that were a quarter of her size.

Despite the time spent playing and squirting Siena, the class was mainly for the masters or “coaches” as our instructor called us. He gave some great tips on walking on a loose leash, house training and getting our puppies to come when called.

We have also successfully instated the 1-2-3 rule. Basically, when you want your dog to do something you tell them once, twice and then if they still haven’t done it, you make them do it (i.e., pick them up, sit their butt down, put them in the kennel, etc.). This way the rascals learn that they have to do what you say, one way or the other. Resistance is futile, basically.

The best message of the night though, must have been that puppies are exactly that. They’re young dogs just out exploring and figuring out the world. They get their cues from you. You just have to show them how it’s done.

For anyone out there who is thinking of getting a puppy…I highly suggest puppy classes that are reward-based and gentle. It’ll bring out the pack leader in ya -- promise!


Seven things that make me happy, and three things I could use some help with.

1. Celebrating MLK Day

2. Getting ish done (laundry, gym, Target, g-store and getting a printer cartridge refilled -- go me!)

3. Watching bad tv. Ryan is at work, so I'm indulging in the terrible Housewives of OC, Oprahs that have been waiting patiently on my DVR for weeks, and I'm finally going to check out Make Me a Supermodel.

4. Bonus time with Siena. We went on a 40-minute walk this morning, have played some fetch, and now she's so exhausted that she's super snuggly.

5. Going green! A few weeks ago, Ryan and I picked up these reusable bags at Price Chopper, and for the first time, I remembered to bring them to the grocery store and actually use them. They totally rock! They hold more than traditional bags and they're easier to carry. Score one for the environment and me. I highly recommend them.

6. Fiber One bars. They're delicious and chewy and chock full of fiber. However, with 9 grams per bar, I recommend only eating one a day...

7. My shuffle. His name is skky. I got him for Christmas, and I love him. He's the perfect brother for Tori.

Something that would make me even happier:

1. Figuring out where I should go for my birthday. I think I've settled on LuLu's for dinner...not sure about drinks though. I want Henry's. Waaaaa!

2. For someone to go see The Orphanage so that I have someone to discuss it with. Ryan and I saw it last night and still have some major plot questions, although the film was really good -- and really freakin scary.

3. Lastly -- and most importantly -- For everyone in my family to be healthy.


Shut up and dance*

Dear lord, she’s making a comeback, and I’m not just talking about American Idol. My childhood pop star idol has a single. Sure, it’s over-processed, lacks creativity and sounds like something off of Britney Spear’s Blackout, but whatever. It’s still my beloved Paula (no matter how weird or drugged up she is).

* - If you get this reference and even owned the remixes, I commend you. You, my friend, are awesome.


Don’t eff with me today. I’m in no mood.

I need to vent:

I’m sick of winter; I want sleep. I hate those stupid jewelry commercials on the radio where the monotone dude goes on and on about prices and finding the right ring. I loathe it so much that it seriously raises my blood pressure when I hear it. I can’t understand why major roads in KCMO are never plowed before 9 am, even if it stopped snowing hours ago. I hate my car’s tires; they suck. I’m quite annoyed with people who speak loudly on the phone at work. I don’t understand why the people who pick up our recycling bin throw it in the middle of my driveway every single friggin week, thereby causing me to have to get out of my car and move it before I can park. Do they not see it? Do they not care? Do they hate me?

I want chocolate; I need chocolate. And Trent Reznor. I really need some angry Trent Reznor.

I’m cranky. You’ve been warned.


Welcome to the Family, Yaris

So, we bought a new car. Ryan said he'd never do it, but he did. We bought a brand spakin' new car, complete with new car smell. Awesome.

The new set of wheels hasn't been named yet, but there are some contenders. Tish suggested Yani the Yaris, I suggested lamely The Silver Bullet, Quicksilver, Button (as in cute as), and Ryan has come up with spudz (I suggested the "z" on the end) because it looks like a potato. I'll let you know what the final verdict is and am taking ideas.

A few facts about the Yaris:
  • it's cheap
  • it's made by Toyota (I've cheated on the Ford family, oh my!)
  • it gets 29 in the city and 35 on the highway
  • so far, we love it

Ryan is shown below with the sales guy. This is from today when we picked Yani the Yaris up (I personally think that has a good ring to it) from the dealership.

In celebration of the new ride, here are a few Yaris commercials. My favs are the pie and the hydrant one. Too funny.


Born to Run

Since we've had the dog, I've been to the gym once. ONCE. That's just not cool for me. I heart the treadmill. But, I heart my hellion/snuggler (depending on Siena's mood and energy level) more. Thankfully, we got the okay from the vet to run small amounts with her, and Ryan and I are training her to chew a bone while we jump around like idiots and lift weights to the Biggest Loser DVD. (I can't imagine what she thinks we're doing. lol.)

So, yesterday, for the first time, we took her out to the trail and ran her for 5 minutes, rested and then tried another 5 minutes, plus some walking. Turns out the little bugger loves it. She runs like a little sled dog. Now, if I want to run some I take the pup out for a jog. Granted, she can't run for long, but we'll build that up. She'll be out-running me in no time.

In honor of this fitness-related post, here's a video of her on the Bosu ball. She stumbled up on it while I was working out one day and hilarity ensued. She's a brave little thing at times.


RIP Sable, RIP

In case you haven’t heard, sadly, Ryan’s car has passed away. In remembrance, I have a few words and, naturally, a couple of haikus (the highest honor).

The Sable, fondly nicknamed “The Jellybean” or “The Hoopty,” lived a long and full life. Painted green and bubble-shaped, she was a well-loved car. In her younger years, she was in charge of transportation for an entire family, carting around kids to school and sports practice, and parents to work. In her later years, she served as a reliable vehicle to Ryan, getting him around town in Columbia and to and from Kansas City. In the past six months, her health continued to decline, and she was eventually confined to speeds less than 35 miles an hour. Despite the diagnosis, she still served an important role by going on errands around town and getting Ryan to work. There is no doubt that she was a fighter, brave and strong until the very end. She will be missed by all.

Oh my Jelly Bean
You were loyal, brave and strong
Up until the end

We will all miss you
As you go to car heaven
Look for the wagon!


A Week in the Life of a Puppy

Siena lays:

Plays (with sticks):

Whines (let me out of puppy jail, puh-lease):

Acts demure (don't fall for it, folks!):

Makes friends (Biskette is a good role model):

Poses nicely (Glamour Shots couldn't do better):

And, Siena sleeps (puppy burrito!):

Can’t Help It. The Girl Can’t Help It.

Sometimes I go through these phases where I’m really freaking clumsy. Almost like I’m in one of those terribly cliché romantic comedies where the girl is constantly falling over and spilling things and inevitably literally runs into her soul mate who, of course, finds her lack of coordination endearing and they live happily ever after. Well, I already have my Tom Hanks/Hugh Grant/Matthew McConaughey/[enter your favorite leading man here], so, my clumsiness leaves me not to new exciting heights of true love but instead to messes—lots of them. In the last 24 hours, I have performed the below three acts of stupidity:

1. In the past year I have broken three, beautifully etched wine glasses that Ryan’s mom got us for Christmas 2006. She got us a set of four, and since breaking 3/4s of the set, Ryan has barred me from using the lucky, remaining glass. Hilariously, both Erin and Ryan noticed my difficulty at keeping glasses as nature intended and got me stem-less wine glasses for Christmas 2007. (Seriously, how hilarious is that?) Well, last night I was drinking some Chianti while cooking and, of course, knocked over the glass, spilling wine everywhere. While I somehow managed not to break the glass (yay for stem-less drinkware!), I did end up spilling dark red wine all over my left brand-spanking-new Nike. I know you’re not supposed to get upset when someone smudges your Puma, but what about when I myself spill wine all over my yet-to-be-run-in shoes? I dried it the best I could and then pouted for an hour. Darn me.

2. This morning, I performed my 8 a.m. work ritual. Oatmeal with flax seed? Check. Piece of fruit w/napkin? Check. Coffee? Check. Coffee all over my jeans? Bonus! I totally spilled coffee all down my right leg, while walking back to my desk. I’m sure at least five people saw it. Brilliant.

3. This afternoon, I had yet another clumsy incident. Siena got a couple rounds of shots this morning as part of her normal vaccination, and the vet warned us she could be a little out of it for 24 hours and may exhibit flu-like symptoms. The worrier that I am, I went home over lunch to check on the little bugger. While there, I found her in good health and myself stepping in a big ole pile of poo in the backyard. I was wearing my new chucks. They now smell of poo even though I scrubbed them vigorously. God hates me.

And the day’s not even over yet!


Puppymoon Over?

She was young. She was cute. She was fluffy. She was shy.

That, my friends, was the Siena of two weeks ago. Nowadays, Siena is still young and cute and fluffy, but she’s anything but shy. I’d describe her more as outgoing, rambunctious and at times devious and hellacious. Take for example, the evening she chomped down on my calf or affixed herself to my shirt, thereby tearing a hole in it with her cute little sharp teeth. Or the evening where she seemed to be possessed by the devil and vehemently attempted to destroy our shag rug. (On that occasion, she actually looked me in the eye while pulling on my beloved Crate and Barrel rug, seeming to take delight in my futile attempts to stop her.)

After a few days of enduring the Monster, I wised up. I researched like a fiend, channeled my inner Cesar Millan and vowed to stick to the Dog Whisperer’s three principles: exercise, discipline then affection. We all know that most problems with dogs aren’t really the dogs themselves, it’s usually the owner. [Head hung low.]

Yesterday evening, Siena had her walk, and then, when she started her nightly attempt at removing my digits, I put her in puppy jail. Once she quieted down she came back out and went back to her old tricks. Back into the slammer she went. After calming down again, she got it. We did some training that rewarded her for licking my hand, not biting it off, and then she really started to get it. Ryan and I spent the evening relatively bite-free, and things were pretty peaceful.

Although Ryan claims that I am the next Dog Whisperer, or at least the Siena Whisperer, I’m not declaring victory. The pup has a strong mind and some sass. This whole learning-not-to-be-a-brat thing may take some time. Now that the puppymoon looks like its over, I’m just taking it one day -- and nip -- at a time.

p.s. Pictures of puppy jail to come soon! She does a really good 'I’m sorry' pose. :)


Rubba Dub Dub, One Pup in the Tub

I promise that I'll eventually stop blogging exclusively about Siena and start blogging about other things, but, at the moment, she is BY FAR the most time consuming part of my life. It's constantly play time, poop time, walk time, feed time, bite time and clean up time. And when Ryan and I aren't doing that, we're working or trying to sleep. It's a dog's life, dude. I have absolutely no idea how people have children.

Last night, Ryan and I had a relaxing evening at home lounging with the dog, watching Superbad and drinking wine. (Thank God for rawhides -- and Erin, who sent Siena two fun toys!!!) This morning, we took her for a long walk to take the movie back and played some soccer in the backyard, thereby getting her insanely muddy and dirty. To remedy the wet-dog smell, Miss Siena got her first bath. Here's the before and after.

Daily dose of cuteness:

And, on an unrelated note, go Obama! Iowans just went with a black man who admits to inhaling because, "that's the point." (Which is a hilarious and a very honest response, btw.) I think America may finally be sick of the current state of things. Change is a comin' my friends!


One Week Later

It’s hard to believe that we’ve only had Siena for one week as of today. She already seems like an integral part of the family! In celebration of her 9th week of life, I’d like to point out just a few of her accomplishments. Pretty impressive for a dog that someone (who obviously had no heart or sense) abandoned at a McDonald’s dumpster. There's an triumph for each day of the week!

1. Name upgrade: McMuffin to Siena. Need I say more?
2. Acting ability: Significant improvement in her whining/howling/crying one-dog-act, "Oh My God, Please Don’t Leave Me." I swear she's reached new octaves.
3. The ability to "hold it" for 8 hours: We learned this last night after letting her sleep in her box in our room to avoid said #2.
4. Climbing an entire flight of stairs: Siena was brave enough to try this yesterday afternoon after somehow escaping from the kitchen that’s she's barricaded in with baby gates. (I like to refer to the kitchen as "puppy jail," as she puts her little nose between the wooden bars. Kinda sad but mostly funny because she’s spoiled rotten and got it pretty good.) However, she isn’t confident going down the stairs, so once she’s up, she’s up until Ryan or I carry her back down.
5. Weight gain: Two pounds in one week. Impressive.
6. Multiple nicknames (a sure source of affection): fuzzy face, monster and my personal favorite sassafras puppy pants.
7. Puppy burrito: It’s the best way to travel! (I'll snag a photo of that later and post it. It's too precious. We wrap her up in her blanket and carry her around when she's sleepy.)


New Year's Eve Pics, Puppy Hiccups and More!

Here are a few pics from New Year's Eve. We had a grand time (Siena included!):

Us at Hoopers:

Drinking the good ish. Love me some K Cider:

Nana bought Siena a new toy! She likes it...

January 1, 2008: Chowing down before the 10:30 am Mizzou game. Eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and OJ...yay tigers!

Nap time! Paws out and up during the nap. lol.

And, if you're needing another hit of puppy, click here for a short clip of her with the hiccups. Yes, hiccups.

Obligatory New Year's Day Post

As Outkast once sang, "Feeling good, feeling great. Feeling great, feeling good, how are you?" And, dang, I'm feeling good! Mizzou just won the Cotton Bowl by a landslide, and it's 2008, baby!

And to recap, I feel very blessed for the last year. 2007 was full of some major life changes: buying a home, moving, getting married and even welcoming a fuzzy new member into the fam. It was one hell of a year.

Next year, I have just a couple of simple things I'd like to do and continue doing. Here's my goals/resolutions for the next 365 days:

1. Play more (Siena can help with that quite a bit)
2. Don't take life too seriously (goes nicely with #1)
3. Continue eating well and working out regularly (not too much, not too little)
4. Develop a regular meditation practice (eventually doing yoga and/or meditation almost every day, even if it's just for a couple of minutes)
5. Try lots of new stuff (get Zumba certified, continue cooking new foods, host events, meet new people, continue taking photos, etc.)
6. Finish de-wallpapering and painting the Nut
7. Travel to see my long-distance BFFs! (I have 15 days of vacation this year!)

Happy New Year, everyone!!! May 2008 be grrrrrr-eat!
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