2. Getting ish done (laundry, gym, Target, g-store and getting a printer cartridge refilled -- go me!)
3. Watching bad tv. Ryan is at work, so I'm indulging in the terrible Housewives of OC, Oprahs that have been waiting patiently on my DVR for weeks, and I'm finally going to check out Make Me a Supermodel.
4. Bonus time with Siena. We went on a 40-minute walk this morning, have played some fetch, and now she's so exhausted that she's super snuggly.
5. Going green! A few weeks ago, Ryan and I picked up these reusable bags at Price Chopper, and for the first time, I remembered to bring them to the grocery store and actually use them. They totally rock! They hold more than traditional bags and they're easier to carry. Score one for the environment and me. I highly recommend them.
6. Fiber One bars. They're delicious and chewy and chock full of fiber. However, with 9 grams per bar, I recommend only eating one a day...

7. My shuffle. His name is skky. I got him for Christmas, and I love him. He's the perfect brother for Tori.

Something that would make me even happier:
1. Figuring out where I should go for my birthday. I think I've settled on LuLu's for dinner...not sure about drinks though. I want Henry's. Waaaaa!
2. For someone to go see The Orphanage so that I have someone to discuss it with. Ryan and I saw it last night and still have some major plot questions, although the film was really good -- and really freakin scary.
3. Lastly -- and most importantly -- For everyone in my family to be healthy.
Hilarious that you texted me last night...I got it a couple of hours later when we got out of Cloverfield. Must have been twin movie night!
cheers to health!
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