So, this post is a few days late, and therefore may not be quite as relevant, but whatever. I'm blogging about it. As Erin so nicely put in a recent IM conversation, I got my vote on Tuesday! I braved a thunderstorm and an overly eager Ron Paul supporter, who drilled me about who I was voting for and why. Um, none of your business. I should not have been surprised though. The man was wearing something like this:

Regardless, this was the first primary I'd participated in, and I was just filled with glee all Tuesday. Not to mention, I stayed up way too late watching the results come in. Which leads me to my next point...Missouri is America.
Take a look at this from CNN (I'm so proud that I did a screenscrape, but it's little. Click here for a better view):

As you can see, both the democratic and republican primaries were split almost evenly, leading me to believe that Missouri's mix of rural and city, poor and wealthy, and white and non-white is basically representative of the entire country. And because we know there's a staunch divide between candidate supporters in both political parties, it leads me to believe that Missouri -- and therefore America -- is as divided as it ever was.
If Missouri proves again to be a bellwether state, then I say to heck with national elections. Let's make it easier and just have Missouri vote!*
*Note : This is all in jest. For the record, I believe everyone should vote and let their opinion be heard and (hopefully) counted no matter what you believe. That includes DC, too, President Bush!
Three things: 1) Love the patriot picture 2) I was crazily giddy all of Tuesday because "yo voté" and 3) I feel especially cool when I get a blog shout out. Yay!
I deleted this the first time cause of bad spelling... I have OCD.
In answers parallel to Erin's comment 1) I too love the picture and am wondering if the Paultard participates in Revolutionary War reenactments or if this was just for this special occasion. Also, did his mom make it for him? 2) I live in a racially diverse neighborhood, we too are lucky enough to have "yo voté" stickers and it makes me proud of my community. In fact my polling place is a Latino Community Center. Also, we have a mix of poor/rich, educated/not, black/white/hispanic/asian/other, rural (transplants)/urban, but we aren't American like Missouri is... 'cause we definitely going blue baby! I love living in a Democratic city! 3) Thanks for the DC vote shoutout!!! One day we'll be equal citizens just like the good ole' folk of Missouri I miss daily! Wonder if that always Democrat thing has anything to do with it? Hmmm....
i miss missouri. i thought i was moving to a cool state but apparently not...sorry erin (it's just cuz my sticker wasn't cool like yours)
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