My plan was to wait to blog about the Trolley Run until after I had received my official race photo, but apparently that’s going to take until Friday, and I don’t feel like waiting that long. (I’ll post it later if I can, but just imagine an awkward me running, red-faced with a less than flattering expression. No matter how good I feel or how hard I try to look normal and healthy, I always look like hell in the end of the race photo.) So…drum roll please…my official time was… 39:12! Not too shabby considering I drank my weight in sangria and got little sleep the night before. Before the race, I had set my goal at a very attainable 40 minutes. So, go me!
Next year, Ryan wants to run it in 30, but he’s crazy. I’m going to shoot for under 36 (under 9 minute miles), which puts me just barely in the next fastest wave. I can do it.
On another fitness-related note, my boss and friend Darryl just competed in a natural body building competition. He totally rocked it! The KC Star's magazine Ink recently profiled his journey from fit man to uber fit man. Be sure to check out the photos -- Neo ain't got nothin on him!
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