
We Baracked the Vote!

Thanks, Erin and Tish for hipping me to the coolest phrase/blog title ever. I apparently was living under a rock and never heard it. Love it though! And I loved Tuesday night. LOVED it. Almost can't believe it. Now, as usual, a photo essay. You can see how happy we were.

Sarv and Ryan gleefully make blue Kool-Aid/vodka/sugar water for us to shoot when states go blue.

First state called, take one down! (We took 26 by the night's end, but no worries, they were weak, people. WEAK! We knew what we were in for.)

The boys watching the results come in. 

And it's called! The happiness/shock of its awesomeness sets in. Fastest election to be called since I started voting.  

Can you believe it?! Yes, we can!

Everyone got stickers! And smiles!

Peace, love and a whole lotta Obama!

We have a future! We can still live in the US! We can be proud of your country's president! Hooray! 

Celebration double-fist pump.

Ryan's pours glasses of champagne for all. With an extra bit of sauciness of course.

Gosh, it's so awesome. I can't wait to see how this country changes...


Erin said...

This is one fabulous photo essay. I'm lovin' the blue shots. LOL.

Tish said...

i'm glad you captured that on tape...some day your children's children will see these photos and know just how cool it was to see obama become our beloved prez

R and B Solutions said...

Totally AWESOME....... "Obama" won!

We too share your enthusiasm.

My prayers go for our new president elect because he has alot of clean up to do.

On the other hand, love to see your contagious smiles.

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