
Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye My Friend

You shall be missed.

Especially by Siena.

May you rule couch heaven with your awesomeness.

1 comment:

kjl said...

Oh, poor Siena. So sad for her, but she is so darn cute!

Couch heaven...ha ha! :)

Oh, and you'll love this since you have a dog scared of storms too. Our crazy pup Hope is terrified of them (though has gotten better over the years) and for a while her habit was to get up and bawl (the howl/bay of coonhounds) as soon as thunder started in the distance. Let me tell you, being startled out of your sleep by the loudest dog in the world is not a fun way to wake up in the middle of the night! Thankfully, she has grown out of this. :)

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