
Return of Saturn in Flux (It Doesn't Rhyme, But It Fits)

I turn 29 today. Yesterday, I had quite a hard time with this. See, when you turn 30 at least it's a new decade, a new chapter, something to exclaim about and claim as your own. But 29? Well, it's just one year before 30 where you don't quite feel 30, but you sure as hell don't feel like a young 20-something any more either. You are, in fact, 29. (Not to mention that I have a history of disliking odd numbers--see birthdays #28 and #27 here.)

While yesterday, I had a good four hours of feeling generally sorry for myself and my soon-to-be 29-year-old plight, I've reversed that mug today. I'm 29 dammit! I have really, really good friends! A hot, loving husband who cooks (cooks really friggin' good ish!). A good family, who's just crazy enough to keep me entertained and loving enough to feel supported. A paying job! My own business where I spread the fitness gospel!

And--this is probably the most important of all--I have freedom. To be me. To love. To learn. To grow. To be challenged and to challenge. I AM 29!

If you follow any hippity-dippity ideas, you'll know that when you turn 29, you're entering into the final year of the Return of Saturn. An old coworker hipped me to this concept and Gwen's album sealed the deal of me buying into this phenomenon. The past few years have been pushing me in a general direction, and the last 30 days definitely had some turmoil from work, family and FBG drama. But I am being pushed in the right direction. I just know it.

They say that in your 29th year, whatever you ask the universe, it will give you. And I'm only asking it good things. My reality may be in flux, but my future is not.
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