
Oh God, I’m 27.

When I turned 16, it was awesome. I can drive!
When I turned 18, it was awesome. I can vote! I can gamble!
When I turned 21, it was awesome. I can drink!
When I turned 25, it was awesome. I can rent a car without extra fees!
When I turned 26, it was extra awesome. Golden birthday year!

But, now I’m 27, and there’s not much of a bonus this go-round. I thought I’d be all clever and try to create a motto for 27. Here’s what I came up with:

Pure heaven at 27. Lame.
Hittin Up 7-Eleven at 27. More lame.
Flying like a raven at 27. That doesn’t even rhyme.

So, screw it. I’m going with the creative, “Oh God, I’m 27.” Now, don’t mistake my tone. I’m not upset at being 27. In fact, I’m quite comfortable with it, but I’m still amazed that I’m actually 27...and married…with a house…and a dog. There’s no going back; I’m an adult.

Although it may not be my “golden” year, I have high hopes for 27. I’m looking to change some things up this year, and spend more time doing the things I love. Out with the gold and into the new!


Erin said...

Out with the gold...boy, you sure got clever at 27! (hey, that almost kinda rhymes...lol)

miss.supafly said...

Happy belated b-day! My motto is "Hope I'm not late while I'm 28" -- because I'm not ready for that kind of adulthood...

Tish said...

dude how did i miss this blog?! you are definitely an adult now and i will pay someone in kiwis if they can think of a better phrase than "oh god i'm 27"...classic genius!

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