
Rubba Dub Dub, One Pup in the Tub

I promise that I'll eventually stop blogging exclusively about Siena and start blogging about other things, but, at the moment, she is BY FAR the most time consuming part of my life. It's constantly play time, poop time, walk time, feed time, bite time and clean up time. And when Ryan and I aren't doing that, we're working or trying to sleep. It's a dog's life, dude. I have absolutely no idea how people have children.

Last night, Ryan and I had a relaxing evening at home lounging with the dog, watching Superbad and drinking wine. (Thank God for rawhides -- and Erin, who sent Siena two fun toys!!!) This morning, we took her for a long walk to take the movie back and played some soccer in the backyard, thereby getting her insanely muddy and dirty. To remedy the wet-dog smell, Miss Siena got her first bath. Here's the before and after.

Daily dose of cuteness:

And, on an unrelated note, go Obama! Iowans just went with a black man who admits to inhaling because, "that's the point." (Which is a hilarious and a very honest response, btw.) I think America may finally be sick of the current state of things. Change is a comin' my friends!

1 comment:

Tish said...

yes it is my friend...and by the way i was discussing how puppy life has changed your life to b right as the voldemort elevator situation happened...ironic distraction

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