
Nothing really

I feel like last weekend Ryan and I were busy, but besides going to a wedding and going out Saturday night with friends, I'm really at a loss as to what exactly we did do. However, I've gotten in the habit of posting pictures from the week past, so I thought I'd go ahead and do so for last week, although the pickins are a bit slim.

Here, Ryan repairs the wall that he accidentally ripped the coat rack from. (He's also trying to keep Siena from ingesting drywall.)

We also spent an hour or two (finally) getting these shelves up. I then obsessed over what to put on them. Oh, the joys of decorating...or attempting to decorate.

Siena apparently slept a lot last weekend, as I have about 20 pictures of her doing so. Here's one of her curled up...

With how her front legs are bent, she reminds me of Bambi. Check out the cuteness:

And to finish out on my theme of not really having anything of substance to blog about, here's a failed video I took. The idea was for me to capture some of Siena's play-time rowdiness, but as soon as the camera comes out she seriously calms down. You can hear my annoyance in the video. Although, looking back on it, I should never be annoyed at a calm and controlled puppy. It's a rare thing, my friends!


The boycott is on.

I’ve had it with winter, and I’ve especially had it with 60 degrees one day, 25 degrees and snow/ice/sleet the next. Therefore, I’m boycotting winter. As of today, Tuesday, February 25, 2008, it’s officially spring. Feel free to wear your best spring attire. Today, I’m sporting three-quarters-length sleeves and ballet flats -- with no socks. Daring, I know.

I implore you to celebrate spring with me. I beg of you…even though tonight it’s supposed to snow again, look deep within your soul and find that warm and cheery spring soul that I know you have. It’s there, and it’s strong enough to melt any freezing rain that the big man upstairs can throw down. Hallelujah!

I feel warmer already…


A little entertainment for your Friday

I recently mentioned that Paula Abdul had a new single. Here's the video. It's straight out of the '90s, making it simultaneously sad and awesome. It seriously combines elements and dance moves from almost every single one of her other videos, and I'm not sure if it meant to. But, you all know I have a soft spot for Paula that's left over from my childhood, so it's only a matter of time before I download the song--and if we're really being honest here, probably even the video--off itunes.

It's also only a matter of time until I buy the book, “Trail of Crumbs: Hunger, Love and the Search for Home,” by Kim Sunée. Tish recently hipped me to this lovely piece of literary work, which according to the New York Times' article, seems like a culinary version of my current favorite novel, "Eat, Pray, Love." I was interested in the book from the concept alone, but the last quote in the Times' article really got me. It reads:

“There are so many clichés about love, food and cooking,” she said. “But cooking with your lover is a great way to see where your relationship is. I have been called an alpha cook, but when I am in love, the man can put as much salt, cream and butter into the dish as he wants. Even if it’s ruined, it’s still the best dish you’ve ever eaten.”

Really, how beautiful is that? Kind of makes those of you who claim to not like cooking want to cook, doesn't it? Ahem, Erin. hehe.)

And, if you're not ready to commit to reading a full book, you can check out her blog here. From the looks of it, she posts a lot, so foodie adventures abound!


F to the I to the B-E-R.

After receiving favorable reviews of my Valentine’s Day poem, I thought I’d post another little bit of wordy goodness. This time, the subject is fiber. That’s right, f-i-b-e-r. This one goes out to Tishy…For full effect, please read in a rap-like style.

Fiber, fiber, it’s the stuff in your food--
the stuff that’s left over before you’ve pooed.

There’s soluble and insoluble. Those are the two types.
Get them both often, and it’ll clean out your pipes.

Eat your beans, your broccoli and your oatmeal now!
Otherwise, it’ll feel like you’re passing a cow.

And, when it comes to fiber, don’t throw caution to the wind.
Add it to your diet slowly, or it’ll feel like you’ve sinned.

Small, but steady is the name of the game.
Do it now, and your health won’t ev-er be lame.

Peace out, homies!


One More Room Down

Yesterday, I was feeling particularly crafty, so I finally painted the bathroom. As you can see in the three before and after photos below, the room went from a pale and somewhat dirty blue to a much richer "biscotti."

Before #1:

After #1:

Before #2:

After #2:

Before #3:

After #3:

While I was doing that, here's what our fuzz face was doing:

However, not before she tried to "help." Notice that just to the left of her is a small stripe of paint...


Pasta Extravaganza

After touting the virtues of celebrating a private Valentine's for all the right reasons, I'm going to be a total hypocrite and share photos from Ryan and I's V-day celebration. We used the holiday as an excuse to buy some fresh tulips and two bottles of good wine, and to finally use the pasta attachment for Bert that Liz and David got us as a wedding gift. (Yay!) Below is a photo essay of the glutinous evening.

First, we make the mix the ingredients for the spinach pasta dough in the food processor. Next, we roll it into little balls. (I'm so immature. That made me giggle.)

Then, we flatten it out a bit with a rolling pin, followed by the real fun. Here's Bert working his flattening magic:

Next, I get the uber fun part of running the thin dough through the pasta cutter attachment:

Check out that fettuccine..

While the pasta cooks, I whip up the vodka cream sauce. Delicious...

This is one serious feast:

Close-ups of the tulips:

Afterwards, we were stuffed. (And no, Siena didn't get to try any pasta. Poor girl.)

Puppy close-up:


She's my inspiration...

Here's Tish's poem. Prepare to be entertained.

Roses are red
Violets are blue

Valentine’s Day is silly
Even when there’s a boo

I’ve never had fun ones. The pressure was killin.
But friend outings on the other hand are the best kinda chillin

I’ve never liked pink and chocolate’s just aight
So days like today are undesirably trite

The pressure is too whack, the disappointment a mess
So I am glad to have friends, who explode with finesse

On this Valentine’s Day, I give you this duty
Keep good friends around, but still strive for The Booty!

In both celebration and defiance of Valentine's Day

Yesterday, Tish wrote an awesome poem about Valentine's Day. Although I hope to post it or at least link to it later (with her permission of course), it inspired me to write my own own.

It reads:

Today is said to be the big day of love,
brought down to the mortals from cupid above.

As the card companies profit and flower sales boom,
I’m at work working, and about to get the heck out the room.

Because Valentine’s Day is unpleasant when you’re working with ladies.
They get all competitive and hotter than Hades!

Heaven forbid your man forgets to get roses
or chocolates and goodies covered with all kinds of bows-es.

Society says real love is shown through a fat credit-card swipe.
But I’m going against the grain. I won’t be that female type.

I’m celebrating privately, at home with my man.
Be it with friends or family or loved ones, I suggest you do what you can

to make this day what’s it supposed to be instead of all the drama.
A day filled with love -- not just more stuff -- is good for your karma!


Two more bits information: embarrassment edition

1. The baby gates have come down, folks. But not because Siena is so advanced in her puppydom that she no longer needs a place to be corralled. No siree. It’s because I’m a clutz*.

Monday night, after teaching my core class at KCFitnessLink, one of the gates literally came crashing down. I mistakenly thought the gate was unlocked and, like I always do, pushed my hips “through” the gate, hoping to open it up and step right through. But, the gate was locked and I fell to the ground in what Ryan calls, “the slowest fall I’ve ever seen.” Funny as it is now, it hurt like a mo-fo, and I have the bruises on my feet to prove it. (The brunt of my fall was on the sides of my feet that crushed down on the baby gate’s bars.) I shouldn’t complain though. Ryan said that from watching the incident and then seeing me wither in pain as he quickly rushed over to help, he was certain we’d be going to the ER for a broken bone. Nonetheless, Siena finally got her revenge for puppy jail.

2. I got duped. Ever since Ryan and I bought our new camera in October, I’ve been on a huge photography kick. I’ve loved capturing the weather, landscapes, my friends, my family, my hubby and of course the pup. Earlier this year, I entered the picture of Siena romping in the snow with her tongue out to an amateur photo contest. In the contest, you didn’t give up your copyrights and, if chosen, could win some cash. I had kind of forgotten about it until yesterday when I received a letter in the mail saying that my photo was a semi-finalist in their winter 2008 contest. I didn’t have to do anything but send back in a signed sheet that it was my original work. Also, the contest wanted to publish my photograph in a coffee table book, and I could buy that if I wanted but didn’t have to.

At first, I was like, wow, I do have talent at this photography thing! But then, I got to thinking that it all seemed kind of strange. The font seemed a little suspect (like one of those pre-approved credit cards or get-a-second-mortgage mailers) and generic. And the letter kept mentioning how you didn’t have to buy anything.

Thank God for Google. One quick search for The International Library of Photography, and I found this. Can you say scam?

I was a bit disappointed though. I really wanted to be a semi-finalist! Thankfully, Ryan was nice enough to say that I was already a finalist in his contest, and Siena had already won cutest puppy of the year because of it.**

*For further proof read the post, “Can’t help it. The girl can’t help it.”

**I almost deleted this last paragraph, but tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, so what the hell.


Two bits of information:

1) Siena is going to be a very big girl. Not that we didn't already know this, but I think it's finally beginning to sink in. At her final vaccination appointment this morning, she weighed 19 pounds. That's up almost 8 pounds from a month ago. Yikes. There's no turning back now.

2) While on the way back from Springfield last night, Ryan officially named his car. The Morsel is the chosen name. This was partially inspired by the car's itty-bitty look, as in a "small bite" or "morsel." I think it's cute. Tish is still calling the car Yani though. Old habits -- or names -- die hard.


Catch a Wave

Yesterday, I received my birthday gift from Ryan! We ordered it the day before my birthday, but it finally shipped and I got it. It ROCKS. Here is my reaction to its greatness:

Watch as the print is revealed. This is by far the largest thing I've ever had arrive on my doorstep. It's almost as tall as Ryan!

Here, Ryan uses his stud finder to locate the most secure place to hang this monster of a print. Not sure why he needs a device, I clearly see one stud! (Har har!)

Here it is in all of its glory. Please ignore the daisy wallpaper. The wall will eventually be a soft blue-grey color. (Whenever we get around to it and Siena is no longer at the age to want to chew on everything and anything.)

And, here's a shot from afar. This shows its grandeur (and size). I love it!

In other news from the Nut, here's a pic of the Yari's boo-boo. Can you believe the estimates for this came back at $450 and $600?! It looks like I could touch that up with nail polish. But, whatever, it wasn't our fault and we're not paying the bill. Talk about a rough break for the lady who hit us though!

And, two puppy shots. The first one is documentation of her growing size. That paw is BIG, and the second one is just cute. No description necessary. :)


Missouri is America.

So, this post is a few days late, and therefore may not be quite as relevant, but whatever. I'm blogging about it. As Erin so nicely put in a recent IM conversation, I got my vote on Tuesday! I braved a thunderstorm and an overly eager Ron Paul supporter, who drilled me about who I was voting for and why. Um, none of your business. I should not have been surprised though. The man was wearing something like this:

Regardless, this was the first primary I'd participated in, and I was just filled with glee all Tuesday. Not to mention, I stayed up way too late watching the results come in. Which leads me to my next point...Missouri is America.

Take a look at this from CNN (I'm so proud that I did a screenscrape, but it's little. Click here for a better view):

As you can see, both the democratic and republican primaries were split almost evenly, leading me to believe that Missouri's mix of rural and city, poor and wealthy, and white and non-white is basically representative of the entire country. And because we know there's a staunch divide between candidate supporters in both political parties, it leads me to believe that Missouri -- and therefore America -- is as divided as it ever was.

If Missouri proves again to be a bellwether state, then I say to heck with national elections. Let's make it easier and just have Missouri vote!*

*Note : This is all in jest. For the record, I believe everyone should vote and let their opinion be heard and (hopefully) counted no matter what you believe. That includes DC, too, President Bush!


February photo update

As promised, here are a few of the latest photos I've taken. Today, I was home sick from work with a migraine and finally had a chance to upload these along with two videos of the pups. They're not overly exciting, but worthy to watch if you're bored or need a puppy fix. Also, note that you can see all the photos larger by clicking on them.

Here's my artistic attempt at capturing Ryan washing his new car. Coincidentally, it was this bumper that got scratched last week. Here it is pre-bump:

Here's a cute one of Biskette and Siena snoozing together in Biskette's bed. At first, Biskette did not want Siena up in her space, but she eventually conceded and let Siena in. (Siena is that dark spot in the left corner.)

On Saturday, my whole fam hit Strouds for our annual January/February/March birthday celebration. We basically use our birthdays as an excuse to get ridiculously full off of chicken, mashed potatoes and cinnamon rolls. It's sooooo good!

Check out the classy tablecloths:

Behold the best cinnamon rolls, EVER:

Everyone in the fam got to meet the newest addition to the family. Look at these happy grand-dog parents!

Yesterday, Ryan and I were coming back from dogsitting. I was driving behind him and captured this cute pic of him and Siena. If you look closely you can see her perky little ears through the hatchback window.

When we got home last night, we found this in Siena's kennel. It's hard to tell, but, at one time, it was a hedgehog, complete with green nose (now laying next to it). Unlike my friend Erin who is a master at dog-toy surgery, I suck at sewing, repairs, etc. Granted, I'm not sure what you can do to fix a plastic hedgehog, but still. I hate to see what Siena will continue to do to this little guy.

And, here are the videos. The first one is a good example of how we spent most of the weekend (rambunctious), the second shorter video is a rare calm moment.


Adventures in Dogsitting

After enduring the week of hell--being totally overscheduled during the evenings and working too late on the weekdays--it's finally the weekend. [Big happy sigh.] Ryan and I are staying at his parents' house, watching their house and their dog, Biskette, while they're off snowmobiling in Wyoming. (How cool is that?) It's been interesting for us.

I love Biskette to death, and I love Siena to death. But these dogs couldn't be more different. Siena is 3 months old. Biskette is 13 years old. Siena wants to play all the time. Biskette wants to sleep. Siena wants to snuggle. Biskette wants her own space. Oh, and then there's the fun problem of them only wanting to eat the other one's food. It's been entertaining to say the least. The real saving grace of the situation though is Ryan's parents' backyard setup. They have a big dog-proof backyard and an inside/outside room with doggie door. It's seriously the best thing to throw them out there when things are getting too heated or someone is getting too testy. Right now, Biskette is calmly sleeping by my feet, while Siena is chewing on a plant outside. Ahhhh, peace.

I'm sure I'll have more adventures and hopefully some pictures to share later. I especially need to document that Siena is almost as large as Biskette, which worries me a bit. A friend sent me a picture of some Saint Bernard puppies and they had the same little-orphan-annie eyes as Siena. I'm afraid people. I'm very afraid.
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