
Don’t eff with me today. I’m in no mood.

I need to vent:

I’m sick of winter; I want sleep. I hate those stupid jewelry commercials on the radio where the monotone dude goes on and on about prices and finding the right ring. I loathe it so much that it seriously raises my blood pressure when I hear it. I can’t understand why major roads in KCMO are never plowed before 9 am, even if it stopped snowing hours ago. I hate my car’s tires; they suck. I’m quite annoyed with people who speak loudly on the phone at work. I don’t understand why the people who pick up our recycling bin throw it in the middle of my driveway every single friggin week, thereby causing me to have to get out of my car and move it before I can park. Do they not see it? Do they not care? Do they hate me?

I want chocolate; I need chocolate. And Trent Reznor. I really need some angry Trent Reznor.

I’m cranky. You’ve been warned.

1 comment:

Tish said...

chellonicas all around!

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