I had an awesomely productive and heathen weekend. Ryan and I spent Friday night with friends, watching basketball and eating pizza. Saturday we spent the entire afternoon in the yard, puppy-proofing it and cleaning up leaves and such (oh the joys of owning of a home and a dog), and that evening we had dinner in the Power and Light District and stayed out late drinking with friends. Sunday morning, I convinced Ryan that we shouldn't go to church (honestly, we'd be one of those people who only go twice a year, and I hate being such a hypocrite), and instead I painted the office (more on that later this week when I finish up the "Mizzou Room") and Ryan played video games. (Holy, I know.) Sunday afternoon, Ryan and I did make an appearance at his parent's house to gorge ourselves on a ridiculous amount of food that his mom had prepared. It was one big tasty feast.
Siena had quite the weekend as well. She discovered a love for the water hose (I must get video of it and share; it's hilarious) and that paint really isn't very tasty.
This weekend, I also secured my good karma for at least a few weeks. While in Chicago two weeks ago, I lost a $20 bill, and Tish helped me feel better about it (it was the last cash I had left for the trip, and while I was away, Ryan had forgotten our ATM pin number and locked us out of our account for the remaining 24 hours of my trip, so I literally had no cash to get) by rationalizing that someone who needed it more than me would find it and be happy. Then, before we went over to Ryan's parent's house yesterday, we stopped for a very old dog that was obviously someone's pet and obviously very lost. Nimmer, as we came to learn after calling and then meeting her owner, was 13 years old, deaf and mostly blind. Thankfully, we found her before she went out into any of the busier streets in our neighborhood, and she had tags, and her owner was at home.
Now, according to good ole Wiki:
Through the law of karma, the effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to them and others.
Soooo...I figure my "giving" of the $20 bill and the saving of the dog is enough to make up for my flippant nature regarding church and weekend sinning...right???
You're golden now for awhile!
Also, I loved that bunny cartoon so much that it was a permanent fixture in my cube. Those were the days!
that and then some!!!
i suggest erin print out the aforementioned cartoon and recreate some magic lol
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