As promised, here are a few photos from my trip to Chicago with
Tishy to celebrate her 27
th year of life. We had a blast...from seeing Wicked (I
highly recommend you see it if you can) to the perusing the Art Institute to catching Horton Hears a Who to getting some good grub to even doing jello shots and drinking beer (no pics of that there. I'd hate to tarnish my reputation with photographic evidence of such acts of foolery.) Here's some of the most memorable shots from the trip, with commentary:
I had a crush on this
captain at Navy Pier and couldn't resist the urge to salute him properly:

Gino's East had some dang good pizza. The kind we noshed on had asparagus, tomatoes, spinach and squash.
Yay for veggies!
I love me some punctuation marks! Ellipses and commas -- a girl's best friend!

Outside of the Art Institute were these lovely beasts of art:
Back to grubbing. Tish enjoys her birthday cake and makeshift candle. (Look's a plastic knife. We class it up, ya'll.)
An art exhibit Tish and I were not on the same page with...

Some of their Asian art was beautiful...

This was the Van
Gogh wall at the Art Institute. One of the best rooms in the place!

Tish and I were amazed by the strength and beauty in this sculpture. It looked so contemporary yet was done
before 1940.
The Navigator Jelly Bean thingie was awesome, especially on such a warm and sunny day. Check out that sky.

Chicago 2008! The year of new beginnings! Happy birthday, Tishy!!!

thank you girl for a great and memorable birthday. it means the world to me. :)
Chicago looked awesome! Glad you girls had a blast. Isn't that reflective bean the coolest? And I love the wall of punctuation...
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