Tomorrow I turn 28. Like other years when I've been either super excited for or even somewhat dreaded my birthday (or looked for hidden meaning/had an existential crisis), this year is different. I feel very calm with my life and where I am. In fact, I've never felt more sure that I'm doing this dang thing my way, and it's the right way. Shit, have I grown up? Or am I just delusional? OR am I just tempting fate? At 28? (Catchy, eh? Well, it's better than "Oh God, I'm 27.")
This year, I've decided to go with "Tempting Fate at 28" for a number of reasons. First, I feel like for the last 10 months or so, my life has changed dramatically and even though I work really, really hard, it's all totally worth it. FBG is kinda my baby, and Erin is the other parent. Not to mention that I recently landed a new, more rewarding day job where I'm respected, complimented when I do a good job and just generally valued. It rocks.
In addition, Miss Siena has been a joy to have in the house and watch her grow and change. It's really hard to imagine that at this time last year, she was just a fur ball. And while the Nut renovations are by no means complete (failed to meet a lot of these resolutions, whoops, lol), I love our house, and we've made great strides.
I also have the best family and friends possible. From a hot, loving husband to super supportive parents to friends I can't thank the universe enough for, I'm a lucky, lucky gal. Throw Obama in the mix and it's almost too much! [Head exploding with hope and happiness!]
However, I feel like things are only going to get better in 2009. FBG is gonna be bigger and better this year (read: profitable!), Siena might actually stop destroying things and the atrocious daisy wallpaper in the bedroom could get removed. I'm seriously so thankful for every moment and for every person in my life. And at 28, I'm only tempting fate to continue the mad love and grow it.
Since I never did an obligatory New Year's resolution post here, I thought I would do a combo resolutions/new-year-of-life goals to coincide with my birfday. Here goes:
1. You've probably already heard, but I'm vowing to run a 1/2 marathon this year. Running has always been my workout nemesis, and it's going down Saturday, March 28 in Olathe.
2. Eat more local fruits and veggies. The garden will continue and be expanded, as well as Ryan and I's consumption of produce from the KC area. I'm planning to join a CSA and hit up the farmer's market often.
3. Drink less. I love wine, so this one will be challenging. lol.
4. Play more. The computer must be off 30 minutes before bed. No exceptions!
5. Read more novels. I read an ishton on the computer and in the news, but there's nothing better than a good novel. A secondary goal to this is finishing Gone with the Wind. Only 100 more pages to go...
6. Replenish my soul/build creativity. These kind of go hand in hand, but this year I'm gonna love myself up by taking more breaks, doing less, buying less, taking more long baths and watching bad TV when I need to. Life isn't a to-do list.
So, with that, I embark on 28, renewed, happy and very excited. Bring it fate. Bring it.
(My next post will look at my dream darn near everything I put up there last year happened and what new things I've added to the board for this year. Stay tuned.)
Tempting Fate at 28
America at Its Best
I just got back from DC, and I had a ridiculously good time. DC definitely had an electric buzz in the air while we were there, and I've never seen our country so darn loving, happy and hopeful. It was amazing.
My trip there was quick, but I laughed a lot, cried (happy tears!) and froze my butt off. Although, Tish, Liz, David and I were unable to be there for the actual inauguration (it's a long story, but basically we all got screwed by gates that never opened, and we weren't the only ones, according to a number of articles, including this one), we did make it home in time to watch it at home all together and I, for sure, felt like I was there. (Chanting "Obama, Obama, Obama" in 13-degree weather at 6:30 am with a few thousand people will do that.) Thankfully, I have video from a little of that.
Along with a quick video of what I do best: Accidentally take video when I'm trying to take a picture. And curse.
For more from the trip, check out my pics here and Tish's pics here. I certainly had a FABULOUS time, and I'll always remember it. Cheesy as it is, I've never felt more proud to be an American. I not only witnessed history, but I got to witness it with some of my best friends. I can't wait to see what our future holds.
Oh, and for a more detailed play-by-play of our trip, check out Tish's post. She got the details yo and has video of us in line!
A Belated Holiday Card
Each year I say that I'm going to do holiday year. From college until two Christmases ago, my excuse was that I didn't need to do holiday cards if I wasn't married. And then, last Christmas, I used the craziness of thank-you cards as an excuse. This year? I really have no excuse. So, if you sent me a holiday card and I didn't reciprocate, it's not because I don't love or care about you. I do. It's just that when it comes to cards, I'm lazy. My apologies.
But, I'm posting to make amends. Below is my Christmas card. It's festive, happy and even includes a puppy. You forgive me, right?

But, I'm posting to make amends. Below is my Christmas card. It's festive, happy and even includes a puppy. You forgive me, right?

From my crazy, lovable family to yours.
P.S. Stay tuned for a resolutions/birthday look-back and look-ahead. Plus, how almost all of the dreams on my dream board came true. (Those things really do work!)
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