One of my friends recently sent me this article, which features the below insanely cute photo. All together now, aww.

Now that our cute quota has been filled for the day, on to the gum. Orbit is probably my favorite brand of sugar-free gum because they're always coming up with new fun flavors. For example, about a year ago they released Mint Mojito, which I adore:

Recently, I stumbled upon two new flavors of Orbit Gum: Fabulous Fruitini and Strawberry Mint. Fabulous Fruitini wasn't exactly fabulous, but it was pretty tasty and tasted very similar to old-school FruitStripes gum, so it had that nostalgia thing going for it. Strawberry Mint was also pretty good, although both didn't keep their flavor long. (If anyone from Orbit stumbles upon this, work on that, OK?)
The new flavors got me curious though...what other flavors are out there or about to be released? The Orbit site wasn't very informative in that department, but wiki, as usual, came to the rescue. According to this, Sangria Fresca should be out and about. I MUST find it. If you see it, buy it for me, please. I'm good for the $1.33.
And, if you happen to be traveling in Russia, Germany, Israel, the Czech Republic or Bulgaria, keep your eyes peeled for even more fruitier flavors. Grapefruit Mint...Orange Berries...Fruit for Kids (really interested to know what that is...I'm guessing fruit punch)'s an exciting sugar-free gum world out there, and I must sample it!
you are too many delightful things rolled up into a delightful ball. you're a ball of delight. with gum glue that keeps you together...
yippee!!!!!!!!!! soon i'll actually be able to read these when you write them :) my life is very low on jennipher-filled-fun right now (all my fault) and i'm aching for it to go back to normal levels :)
Jenny...where are you?? What, are you too busy to blog?
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