Expect secret Santa at work. I HATE secret Santa at work.
Every year I get roped into randomly drawing someone’s name who I know nothing about, only to try to attempt to find $5 gifts that delight them every week until Christmas when I reveal the $10 grand finale gift. I usually ask the chosen one’s friends what they might like. Chocolate or gummies? Coffee or tea? Wine or scotch? I painstakingly toil over those presents. And in return – each gosh darn year – I get crap, complete and utter crap. Best Choice cocoa from Wal-Mart, a Christmas decoration circa 1987, the most intense lilac hand lotion you’ll ever smell, a yellowed candle that’s obviously been in storage for at least a year…the list of cruddy gifts go on.

I’m not delusional; I’m sure the gift I laboriously shop for isn’t always a hit. But I don’t just give out what’s laying around in my house. I spend the $3-$5 and get something nice, that’s usable. And I put some effort into it.
This year, I will not be thwarted by coworkers who call me Scrooge or can’t understand why I’m not in the holiday spirit. Goddammit, I am in the holiday spirit. Christmas is a time of thought and caring – not re-gifting your rubbish to me!
Phew. I feel better.
ah i got suckered in this year : ( i feel your pain.
that cartoon is HILARIOUS! ha!
Never did Secret Santa at work. Who wants to get stuck buying Swiss Miss Christmas presents? No thanks.
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