Every single
friggin year, I get a cold during either Christmas or New Year's. This year is no different. I have a stupid cold rendering me a sniffling, sneezing, stuffy headed scrooge. Boo_ (For those of you who may not know or remember my failed attempt at creating a new punctuation mark, I have tried to use the _ as an under emphasized period, donating a certain lack of excitement or happiness. Here I find it useful to show that I'm not shouting boo at someone like it's Halloween or simply stating boo. I'm under-emphasizing the word, almost frowning.)
Here are some pictures from Ryan and I's visit to my parent's and grandma's for my side of the family's Christmas. I'm pre-sickness in most of them. We made cookies galore! And opened some sweet ass presents.
Merry Christmas everyone! I'm off to find the Advil Cold and Sinus.

1 comment:
that's what i needed to see :) christmas feels a little more closer now : )
i'm sorry you're feeling like pooh. i always thought it was a finals-induced sickness...you're just meant to be rudolph's homie every season apparently.
love you!!!
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