You can also get a good idea of how snuggly she is from this one.
This dog is seriously awesome. And, although she was pretty mild and timid her first night with us, she is quickly gaining confidence, independence and mad play skills. Her curiosity is hilarious. Here she inspects some snow-covered plants. Fascinating:
She's also responding to her name, is doing better with getting her "business" done outside (when we got her she was newspaper trained, which is better than no training at all, but I'd still like the little bugger to do it in the yard), and is slowly learning to not only fetch her toys, but also to return them to you. Not too shabby for two days.
If you're interested in more cuteness overload. Check out these live-action scenes with Ms. Siena herself by clicking here, here and/or here. (I apologize in advance for the use of my baby voice...after watching these I know I need to tone it down, or I'll make everyone gag. lol.)
no apologizing necessary. i've fallen in love with my puppy loving best friend and her adorable husband. that dog is the best little goddog a gal could ask for!
That top picture of the frolicking in the snow is stinking adorable.
i seriously want to put her in my pocket and die from giggling... such a muffin head!!!!
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