

I couldn't resist posting some pics of Siena in the snow. It's hard to top the cuteness of a puppy, let alone a puppy romping in the snow. And romp did she. I particularly think this photo sums it up best (note tongue hanging out):

You can also get a good idea of how snuggly she is from this one.

This dog is seriously awesome. And, although she was pretty mild and timid her first night with us, she is quickly gaining confidence, independence and mad play skills. Her curiosity is hilarious. Here she inspects some snow-covered plants. Fascinating:

She's also responding to her name, is doing better with getting her "business" done outside (when we got her she was newspaper trained, which is better than no training at all, but I'd still like the little bugger to do it in the yard), and is slowly learning to not only fetch her toys, but also to return them to you. Not too shabby for two days.

If you're interested in more cuteness overload. Check out these live-action scenes with Ms. Siena herself by clicking here, here and/or here. (I apologize in advance for the use of my baby voice...after watching these I know I need to tone it down, or I'll make everyone gag. lol.)


Siena, meet friends. Friends, meet Siena.

Here she is, the cutest dog in the world (next to Marti, Biskette and Digby, of course). Welcome to the Walters' family Siena!

Also, and far less exciting, is my new haircut. Not a ton different, but it's shorter and I have almost bangs. I'm pleased with it, and can't wait to try it straight.

Plan on seeing lots of puppy photos...you know I'm going to be one of those crazy pet owners. You've been warned. All is fair in puppy love...click here and here for some video (she's totally wiped and mild in these, but DARN precious) to kick the Siena obsession off!

A Day of Firsts

It's two days after Christmas, and the gifts and joy just keep coming. I'm lucky enough to have this entire week off, so I've been cleaning the house, donating clothes and household items we don't need, and I spent 30 minutes this morning dragging junk in our garage to the curb for big trash pick up day. I feel cleansed, yo. It's awesome.

But, today is not just another day around the house. Today is a BIG day. Tish gets her big break today, and I couldn't be more proud of her. The girl has been working her tail off and sacrificed a lot to go after her dream, and it's paying off. Good things do come to all whose wait...and pray, and work like a m-effer to get them. ;)

Also, Ryan and I are "meeting" a puppy at 6 pm today. If the meet-and-greet goes well, we'll be proud puppy parents of an 8-week-old mutt. I can't wait! In preparation for possible puppy in our home, I'm hitting up Petco for supplies. Gotta be ready!

AND, in just an hour or so I'm getting my hair cut. No severe choppage, but definitely some inches gone, some layers and some sort of side-swept bangs.

As always, photos of puppy (hopefully!) and hair are sure to come tomorrow. You know I have to share.

Happy Thursday!!! Best one of the year. :)


Like clockwork

Every single friggin year, I get a cold during either Christmas or New Year's. This year is no different. I have a stupid cold rendering me a sniffling, sneezing, stuffy headed scrooge. Boo_ (For those of you who may not know or remember my failed attempt at creating a new punctuation mark, I have tried to use the _ as an under emphasized period, donating a certain lack of excitement or happiness. Here I find it useful to show that I'm not shouting boo at someone like it's Halloween or simply stating boo. I'm under-emphasizing the word, almost frowning.)

Here are some pictures from Ryan and I's visit to my parent's and grandma's for my side of the family's Christmas. I'm pre-sickness in most of them. We made cookies galore! And opened some sweet ass presents.

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm off to find the Advil Cold and Sinus.


3 Best Friends, 3 Great Conversations

I'm feeling incredibly lucky tonight, and incredibly thankful. The last week has been a rough one for me...I've been stressed about work, time crunched in the evenings, dealing with family members' health issues, etc. They say the holidays are stressful, and sometimes "they" are right.

However, it only takes some good friends to pick you right back up. Tonight was the perfect example of that. On my way home, I chatted with Erin, discussing work, Christmas plans (dog and skiing!) and just being plain goofy and catching up. She'll be home for the holidays, and I'm so excited to see her! I need my twin.

Then, I had as much hung up with Erin, when Lizzy called me. We spent more than an hour on the phone discussing our paths to self-actualization (we seriously did), our career goals and our general life situations. Liz and I have known each other since college, and I feel like we've always grown together, making one another better.

Later on this evening, during the middle of stir frying some tofu and veggies, Tish called, telling me about her day and how she used her mad acting skills to win a game at work during their holiday party (I'll let her share all the details in her blog...because I'm sure she'll want to brag about that performance -- and rightfully so!). We discussed Christmas and how much it'll be different with her being in LA. It sucks, but we're doing what we can to make it the best it can be. (We're opening each other's gift at the same time Christmas Eve morning over the phone.) No one can stop the power of kiwi.

I love each of my best friends for who they are. Each one of them brings out something slightly different in me. While they all may have very different styles, likes, dislikes, passions, experiences, etc., they all have one thing in common. They bring out the best in me. Which, I really believe is the best barometer of a friendship.

So, even though Thanksgiving was a month ago, I'd like to take this time to give thanks for them and their friendship. It's a bit belated, but they've definitely put my unimportant stress in perspective and put me in the holiday spirit.

This year, it's definitely not about the presents under the Christmas tree (although I'm grateful to have the means to do so). It's all about the fantastic people in my life. God bless us, everyone!


The pitter-patter of little feet, er, paws?

It’s well known that Ryan and I plan on adopting a puppy in early 08 (or late 07 if I have my way). Lately, I've been addicted to http://www.petfinder.com/, which has introduced me to the following heart tuggers who are eargerly awaiting adoption:

Seriously...with those eyes...and little noses...and fuzzy ears...I want them all!


Making Merry

This past weekend was full of fun, snow, and tasty drinks and beverages. Here is a photo essay of some of the weekend's activities (with notes of course -- I have to point some things out, hehe).

My camera doesn't really pick up individual snowflakes, but when I took this it was coming down for sure:

Sarv and Tessa come over for some fondue, drinks and Cranium:

Thank you, Oprah, for the Pomegranate Martini recipe:

Spiked hot cocoa!


Toto Invasion

You ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something? Ever have a period in your life where the same dang thing keeps popping up over and over, and you want to scream to the gods, "Okay, already. I get it!" Have ya?

Well, I'm feeling that way, but I'm definitely not understanding the message. Toto is EVERYWHERE in my life. And when I say Toto, I mean this Toto:

Not to be confused with this Toto:

My first encounter with Toto happened three weeks ago at Ryan's parent's house. We were there picking up some Christmas ornaments when Ryan's mom asked us if we wanted to borrow her latest purchase, the CD of Toto's Greatest Hits. Ryan, a closet Toto fan, was all over it. On our way home, we enjoyed hits such as Rosanna, Hold the Line, Africa and Ryan's favorite Georgie Porgy (for the record, that one is my least favorite). For the next two weeks, we listened to quite a bit of Toto -- in the car, while cleaning the house and Ryan sung it quite frequently, thereby providing some Toto-inspired entertainment daily.

Then, I began hearing Toto everywhere, and without Ryan nearby. This is when I started to get freaked out. Today, I heard Hold the Line when I got in the car on my way to work. Then, over lunch I heard Rosanna in the car but on another station. AND, yesterday Ryan and I were watching an old Scrubs episode and JD was listening to Africa on his ipod.

Toto is everywhere! But, what does it mean?! Does it mean that Toto is posed for a comeback? Should I go to Africa? Is Rosanna the key to world peace? Or does it mean that I need to buy some new CDs and stop listening to the radio and/or Ryan sing? It's a mystery, folks. I'm up for suggestions.


Scoring Update

Ice Storm: 2, Jenn: 0 (still)

The ice storm dealt me yet another blow. During the icing/raining extravaganza, our power glitched a few times, thereby frying our answering machine. Our phones still work and all, but if you want to leave a message, tough luck. Try blowing up the celly, yo.

And, in my perpetual battle with the friggin post office, the score now reads USPS: 1, Jenn: 0.

I hate the post office. I know those are strong words, but most of the time they're not open, they keep changing the dang cost of stamps, and generally they have too few offices for the number of people who need to mail things, especially this time of year. Earlier this week though, I had softened on them after discovering you could order shipping supplies online, buy stamps, have a postal carrier pick up your package at your house, etc. But, I'm writing to tell you that I was wrong. W-R-O-N-G. Wrong. The post office still sucks.

Thursday, I set Tish's gift out on my doorstep, awaiting its scheduled pickup. I was delighted to come home Thursday evening to see that, yes, it was indeed picked up. But, what did I come home to tonight? This, in all of it's stamped-up glory:

With a label slapped on it, reading this:

Are you kidding me?! I was livid. Don't freakin advertise that you'll pick something up if you won't. I read everything I could on their stupid Web site, and it didn't mention ish about 13 oz. ARGH! So, now, on my Saturday, I have to go to the post office and fight with all the other ticked-off idiots who are trying to get their Christmas gifts mailed before the big day. Wish me luck and that I don't go postal (ha ha, that was bad, sad joke).

(And yes, Tish, this is all too hilarious after you recently had a friend from work prank me, pretending to be a USPS worker saying they couldn't pick my package up from my home. You were more insightful than you realized!)


Three Great Things

With all the ice, not much has really been going on lately. After feeling really tired and sore Monday and Tuesday, I took a sick day yesterday and spent the entire day working from home and watching bad daytime TV (btw, Tyra Bank’s show is terrible). The day of rest has really seemed to revive my energy levels though, because today I’ve rebounded nicely and am feeling pretty chipper. (My three cups of coffee this morning are helping a bit, too.)

And with that new-found energy, comes my desire to share with you a couple of awesome sites I’ve found or my friends have shown me in the last few weeks. Now that I have them in my life, I feel like I couldn't live without them. :)

PeerTrainer – I’ve been on PT since Nov. 2005 and love it. In a group, team-like setting you get to journal what you eat and what kind of activity you do each day. Not only do you get accountability from others on the team, but you also get support. Recently, my good friend Lizzy hopped on the PT bandwagon, and I was reminded of this site’s fantastic-ness!

Pandora – This site rocks, literally. You can create radio stations from any musical artist you like and even mix them for your own personalized, bizarre radio station. Right now mine plays everything from Paula Abdul to Hot Hot Heat to The Fugees. And you can even send your radio stations to your friends. Right now I’m listening to Ryan’s Road to Moscow station. It’s interesting to say the least.

Tastebook – My fellow blogger Mary hipped me to this AWESOME site where you can create your own cookbook! You can either use your own recipes or borrow from their database and you can customize the look, layout and add your own pictures. Beware friends and family…you may get one of these next Christmas!


Photo time!

Here's what my front yard, back yard and street looks like -- icy!

No snow day, no ice day, but, really, I’m not bitter.

I did pout a little this morning about having to go to work. I’m not gonna lie. A snow day would have been sooo nice. A nice breakfast at home. Sipping on good coffee. A little Ellen or Oprah on in the background while I e-mail, edit and write away. But oh no…the office was open. And, I couldn’t get my internet to work at home, rendering any attempts to work there pointless. And, really I had no excuse not to go to work because I have no children. Score one for the man.

However, with temperatures currently hovering at 33 (note: one degree above freezing), our wet roads can quickly turn into an ice rink. We might even get snow tonight! Well, that’s if you believe the weather forecasters hype, which can always be doubted because they’re hardly ever right. However, I guess I’m buying into it because my butt is about to rush home early to avoid the possible craziness of rush hour. Plus, I can still edit from home on paper. And catch Oprah.

One of the craziest things of this storm -- besides how freaked out people get over weather, myself included -- is seeing transformers blow. Last night Ryan and I awoke to the strangest boom-like sound (which I originally thought was thunder because of all the rain) followed by blue and green flashes of light. I told Ryan that it’s the Midwest’s version of the Northern Lights.

Another highlight (for lack of a better term) of the storm is that the trees are beautiful. Sure, because they’re all covered in ice they’re more likely to break off and onto your house, your car or you, but they’re still gorgeous. On the drive in this morning, some of the tree’s branches were so weighted down and low that my little car just had enough room to pass under them. I think Ryan described it best when he said the trees on Sommerset were “eating the road.”

It looks like I should have enough light to take some pics of the trees and my street when I get home. I’ll post as soon as I do!


Ice Storm: 1, Jenn: 0 (participants)

Tonight, I went to teach my first class (To the Core!) at KCFITNESSLINK. I've already posted about how fantastic the place is, and I was quite excited (and a tad nervous) for my first time teaching in the studio. Turns out, that excitement and nervousness will last for another week.

Due to the ice storm, no one had the balls to get out (frankly though, neither do I as I never would have gotten out unless I had to...shhh don't tell), and Darryl and I were left just chatting it up from 5:45-6:15 pm. Although I didn't get to teach, the place has good flow, and I always feel great being there.

Next week, when all of this winter nastiness is past (and it's like 70 degrees cause KC weather is whack like that), come check it out! For now though, pray that our power stays on during the expected inch of ice that we're supposed to receive and that the powers that be close the OP office. If they do, prepare yourself for the obligatory snow day post. :) I may even get out and take some pics of Big Winter himself.

Stay warm!


Winter Wonderland

It's definitely winter here, KC-style (meaning that it has iced all weekend with a little bit of snow, making everything outside an ice rink and getting into your car a 30-minute process of scraping and cursing). Gotta love it.

Since it was the perfect weekend to not go anywhere, Ryan and I took the two days to celebrate the holidays and give the Nut some much needed TLC (obvious joke there that I won't touch). On Friday night, we spent the evening drinking wine and watching holiday movies. I'm now a huge fan of "The Nightmare Before Christmas," (What's this? What's this? So visually awesome!) and I got my fill of one of my favorite holiday feel-good movies, "Love Actually."

Saturday, we put up Christmas lights (LED!). Here's Ryan freezing...for some reason he refused to wear gloves.

Later that day, we cleaned the house from top to bottom...scrubbed bathtubs and toilets, dusted everything and Ryan even deep-cleaned the wood floors. The Nut is so pretty now! Then we FINALLY painted the baseboards in our living room and hallway. See?

Take note of how we're painting the partially painted light-green baseboards white. Here's the finished product. We should have done this a long time ago!


Shameless self promotion: Get your workout on

I've got a new gig, kids. Come Monday, I'll be teaching a core-training class from 6-7 pm at KC FITNESSLINK at 39th and Main in KCMO. The beautiful mainly mind-body studio is run by my old pal and fitness mentor Darryl from Mizzou. He's talented guys, so you should totally come check the place out (and my class, of course -- hehe).

Here's a shot of the studio that was taken a few weeks ago. He's given the place a little more pizazz with art, but this gives you the gist of the space -- peaceful!

If you want more info, go to: http://www.kcfitnesslink.com/schedule.html. All classes are free next week, so it's the perfect time to check it out!


Let it snow!

Today, it snowed. And for the first time in years, I enjoyed it. Why? Because driving home in it didn't involve 35 miles of K-10. Hallelujah!

Here's a few pics of the Nut in the snow (I rushed to get home, but it was still pretty dark out, so I apologize for the lack of light) and of our fully decorated Christmas tree, complete with kiwi ornament. Kiwi power!

That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

Yes, Santa. I'd be happy to guide your sleigh tonight.

Tuesday morning I awoke with a small zit on the side of my nose. Leaving it alone, I expected it to go away. Yesterday, it was a bit larger and a bit more read. This morning, it was giant and very red. No makeup can cover this ish.

So, in lieu of the holidays, I'm rolling with God's cruel joke and channeling my inner (and apparently outer) Rudolph. My nose is shiny, and it glows! Happy Christmas!

Random side note: I've always enjoyed in the song, how they rhyme "glee" with "history." Priceless.


Whoops a Yummy

Tonight Bert and I made sherbet muffins, entirely by accident. Let me explain.

This past Sunday, Ryan and I made a lovely little trip to the grocery store. After getting in a ridiculous argument over the coolness of sports jerseys worn by regular folk (Ryan hates them unless they're George Brett's, I think they're fine as long as they're tasteful), we did our weekly food shopping in silence except for the occasional grunt and command -- "pick out your yogurt." I also accidentally ran over Ryan's foot. I'm such an adult.

Anywho, during my pissed off state, I apparently grabbed a box of lemon cake mix instead of chocolate cake mix and never even realized it until tonight, when I went to make my pumpkin-chocolate muffins (aka, uber tasty -- and healthy -- muffins that anyone can make with only a can of pumpkin and the box of mix) and was greatly disappointed to find a box of lemon cake mix staring back at me.

Completely defeated, I went to Ryan cursing. He suggested I just use the lemon instead of the chocolate. Lemon and pumpkin isn't a combination I'd normally put together, but for fun I decided to try it.

Here is Bert working the eerily similar color batter:

And here is the finished product:

Lo and behold, the lemon-pumpkin muffins rock. They taste kind of sherbet-y, and I imagine they'd be excellent with vanilla or cream cheese frosting.

Ryan gives this mistake a thumbs up and has been driven crazy by tastiness:


Down and Dirty Dinos

As I was leaving my little cubicle tonight and gathering all my belongings for the quick commute home (still excited about how short it is, btw), I noticed something a bit off kilter. I did a double take of my cube, trying to figure out what it was. I looked over at one of my shelves, which is adorned with various figurines, toys and other knick-knacks. I quickly saw what the problem was. Two of my small dinosaur figures were positioned rather crudely.

By crude I mean they were getting it on. Although my dinos are cheap and much less detailed than the toys pictured below, you can get the gist if you imagine the green one (veloceraptor, I think) up on the stegosaurus' business.

I really have no idea who did this or even how long they had been "positioned," but it's pretty hilarious. Ironically enough, everyone at the company just went through sexual harassment training. Pretty sure, this isn't appropriate in the corporate world, but in the Jenn world it's pretty amusing to my typical not-so-exciting work day. Now if I come in tomorrow and my other knick-knacks are doing the nasty, then I may start to get creeped out, but in the meantime, I'll assume this was a one-time prank by the cleaning guy.


Bah Humbug

I love the holidays. I love Christmas. I love cookies, and trees, and candy canes, and mistletoe. I love it all.

Expect secret Santa at work. I HATE secret Santa at work.

Every year I get roped into randomly drawing someone’s name who I know nothing about, only to try to attempt to find $5 gifts that delight them every week until Christmas when I reveal the $10 grand finale gift. I usually ask the chosen one’s friends what they might like. Chocolate or gummies? Coffee or tea? Wine or scotch? I painstakingly toil over those presents. And in return – each gosh darn year – I get crap, complete and utter crap. Best Choice cocoa from Wal-Mart, a Christmas decoration circa 1987, the most intense lilac hand lotion you’ll ever smell, a yellowed candle that’s obviously been in storage for at least a year…the list of cruddy gifts go on.

I’m not delusional; I’m sure the gift I laboriously shop for isn’t always a hit. But I don’t just give out what’s laying around in my house. I spend the $3-$5 and get something nice, that’s usable. And I put some effort into it.

This year, I will not be thwarted by coworkers who call me Scrooge or can’t understand why I’m not in the holiday spirit. Goddammit, I am in the holiday spirit. Christmas is a time of thought and caring – not re-gifting your rubbish to me!

Phew. I feel better.


What a difference an annoucement makes...

Screw that sad ish. I think Sarv displays how all Mizzou fans feel right now, after being snubbed by the BCS:

p.s. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.


I don't want to be greedy because we've had one hell of a season. However, I think this says it all (note scotch in hand):


Welcome to the Jungle

Today is yet another big game day, and, again, it all comes down to this. Mizzou wins today and we go to the BCS Championship game, if we lose we go to some bowl, hopefully a BCS bowl. Oh, it's an exciting time to be a tiger.

It's also an exciting -- and unusual -- time to be a Jayhawk. If MU wins, it's likely KU goes to a BCS bowl. If MU loses, they go to a lame bowl game. I've heard a lot of grumblings from KU fans, saying they'd never root for Mizzou, even if their life depended on it. Now that just doesn't make any sense. Can't we all just get along?

I think Erin named our ability to live and root peacefully best with "The KU/MU Alliance." I encourage us to all join forces tonight to cheer on both team's successes.

Here's a picture of my friend Brooke's little girl. She symbolizes everything I'm talking about here, and she's one of the cutest kids I've ever seen.

Welcome to the jungle my KU friends. It's always a good time to root for the tigers.


En Fuego

On Tuesday, I blogged about my turkey difficulties. Alas, I forgot to mention my biggest screw up of all…and one that totally puts me way above Ryan in the race to win the “Biggest Idiot” title. See, he may have turned the oven off halfway through cooking our turkey, but I lit a candle at 8 pm Sunday night and didn’t realize it until I woke up at 6 am Monday morning and smelled the scent of the dang thing.

Thankfully, the candle is huge and didn’t melt all over the floor or burn the Nut down. I’m seriously counting my lucky stars. Did you know that candles are the 4th leading cause of house fires? I’m such a moron.

I must have a thing for fire lately though. A couple of weeks ago, I randomly took photos of this same dang candle. Here it is in its dangerous glory:

This holiday season, when you're probably burning more candles than usual, use common sense, people. Be smarter than me!
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