I'm feeling incredibly lucky tonight, and incredibly thankful. The last week has been a rough one for me...I've been stressed about work, time crunched in the evenings, dealing with family members' health issues, etc. They say the holidays are stressful, and sometimes "they" are right.
However, it only takes some good friends to pick you right back up. Tonight was the perfect example of that. On my way home, I chatted with Erin, discussing work, Christmas plans (dog and skiing!) and just being plain goofy and catching up. She'll be home for the holidays, and I'm so excited to see her! I need my twin.
Then, I had as much hung up with Erin, when Lizzy called me. We spent more than an hour on the phone discussing our paths to self-actualization (we seriously did), our career goals and our general life situations. Liz and I have known each other since college, and I feel like we've always grown together, making one another better.
Later on this evening, during the middle of stir frying some tofu and veggies, Tish called, telling me about her day and how she used her mad acting skills to win a game at work during their holiday party (I'll let her share all the details in her blog...because I'm sure she'll want to brag about that performance -- and rightfully so!). We discussed Christmas and how much it'll be different with her being in LA. It sucks, but we're doing what we can to make it the best it can be. (We're opening each other's gift at the same time Christmas Eve morning over the phone.) No one can stop the power of kiwi.
I love each of my best friends for who they are. Each one of them brings out something slightly different in me. While they all may have very different styles, likes, dislikes, passions, experiences, etc., they all have one thing in common. They bring out the best in me. Which, I really believe is the best barometer of a friendship.
So, even though Thanksgiving was a month ago, I'd like to take this time to give thanks for them and their friendship. It's a bit belated, but they've definitely put my unimportant stress in perspective and put me in the holiday spirit.
This year, it's definitely not about the presents under the Christmas tree (although I'm grateful to have the means to do so). It's all about the fantastic people in my life. God bless us, everyone!