
I'm baaaaaack...

I'm happy to report that I have survived the eye pink ordeal and am back to living and working with the normal people of the world. (For a few days there I was having to go into work from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm to not infect anyone, and seriously, the people who are at the office that late and aren't cleaning the building are a tad odd. Some of them seemed to enjoy being there at that time. Weird.) Although I had to push back my work trip to San Diego a day due to my Quasimodo-like appearance and insanely low energy levels, I was a trooper and survived the show. I even managed to get in a few workouts while away. (However, that's really not that impressive of a feat because I'm technically required to cover early morning workouts for the mag, but I did get in a good 30 minutes each day I was there.)

While away in beautiful Cali, I took some time out to capture more than just the fitness equipment on the trade show floor. Pictured below is some of the beauty my hotel was surrounded by. My photos only do it partial justice, though. It was really like heaven in San Diego; not to mention that on the day these photos were taken it snowed in KC.

When I got back to KC, I was very excited to see the hubby and puppy. (That kind of rhymes.) According to Ryan, Siena frequently wandered around the house looking for me and whining while I was away. That simultaneously breaks my heart and makes me feel loved. Interesting combination.

Here's Siena waiting by the front door/chewing on her rope:

The last few days have been great for me. I'm feeling healthy and normal again. I'm back to working out. I'm cooking and eating nutritious foods. I'm back with the family (and Ryan can look at me without wincing). And, perhaps best of all, I'm working a regular work week with my usual hours. I'm not sure if its that darn Tolle book or what, but I feel like things are looking up for me professionally and personally. I'm taking more accountability for my happiness, and it's totally working.

Not to mention that on Thursday morning, I'll be heading to Chicago (AKA Chee town, Tish) to spend time with my kiwi pal for her 27th birthday. This trip is going to be so great, it's almost like I'm having a second birthday this year. Good times abound!!!

1 comment:

Tish said...

man that picture of the garden arch is fantastic lady!!! uh...it's like the heavens are hugging 'em. good work!

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