
Sheepish Grin

Tish found the below video today (caveat: you have to endure a short lame commercial to get to the good stuff, but wait it out because it's worth it, I promise), and I had to share because I absolutely adore sheep. They're cute. They're cuddly. They're not very smart. And, they can be really freaking funny. I mean, come on. They baaaa as a form of communication. What's not to love and giggle at?

Sure, they're scared and that one dude is lassoing them, which isn't very nice, but it's better than being left on the highway unprotected. The news anchors are pretty good, too. It's hard to report on sheep without making at least one "black sheep" joke, I imagine.


Tish said...

dude is it just us?!!! it can't be. that is THE funniest ish EVER! ha! the comments hysterical...the silly sheep following the others into impending doom...sigh. i can't breath...i can't breath!

Erin said...

I loved the play-by-play and how the news anchor named one of them "Steven." And why was the predictable black sheep joke so darn funny?? I was a fan.

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