
I've jumped ship...again

First it was friendster, then it was myspace and now -- I'm happy to report -- it's blogger! Yes, my blog has had many homes and, no, my frequency of posting hasn't always been steady, but I'm hoping to turn over a new leaf with both of those things. As far as I can tell, blogger seems to be, as Beck would say, where it's at. Here's a few things that I took into consideration when deciding to switch over:

1. Will there be any unsightly ads on my page (fart jokes, promiscuous women begging you to click on them, interactive games usually involving Lindsey Lohan, etc.)?
2. Can I easily post photos?
3. When copying and pasting, is it a pain in the ass to format text or will I have half of my blog in 2 point Arial and the rest in 14 point Times Roman?

I'm not gonna lie...No.1 probably was the most important factor, although No. 3 took a close second. No. 2 is just fun.

Anyways, here it is. The new home of PH Balanced. Feels nice so far...Can't wait to get settled in!


elizabethjune said...

I am so glad you moved to blogspot!!! Now I can check you at work without big brother saying, ACCESS DENIED! Woo!

Tish said...

aight sister girl...as sam cooke would say a change is gonna come...get it her did baby!

miss.supafly said...

YESSS! So glad you moved! Adding you to my list of dailies. YAY!

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