
Oh God, I'm hungover.

I seriously had the best birthday yesterday. Friday evening, my parents came over to drop off my birthday gifts and go out to dinner. They got me the latest Biggest Loser workout DVD and Guitar Hero for the Wii. So awesome:

Saturday morning, I opened my package from Tish. It's this awesome photo album along with stickers with words like hyperbole, food for thought, bad as I wanna be, and my personal favorite, beans and toast. The idea is that I take a photo to represent each title in my own creative way. How cool is that?!

I spent the afternoon at KCFitnessLink, celebrating Yoga Day and the studio's open house. After enjoying an hour of yoga, I spent a couple hours chatting with new clients and promoting my core class (Mondays, 6-7 pm, btw. hehe.). I also had a delicious lunch of sushi and this ginormous cupcake that Darryl got for my bday.

Note how its size dwarfs my hand:

That afternoon, I came home to a clean house (yay Ryan!). I took a leisurely 40-minute nap, talked to some friends and family on the phone, and played some Guitar Hero. (I'm still on the easy level, but I'm getting better.)

Then we went out to Lulu's for a tasty din-din. That's when the drinking began. lol. The circumstances that lead to the above title are as follows:
  • Mojito at Lulu's
  • Sangria-tini at Swizzel
  • 2 K Ciders, upside-down pineapple cake shot, lemon drop shot and 2 irish car bombs at Hoopers
Here's some of the gang after a couple shots:

And here's Ryan and I towards the end of the evening. Ryan is in pensive mode, I'm in feelin-it "happy cow," as Ryan calls it.

It was a late night, but seriously so much fun. Granted I have a massive headache today, but it was worth it. It's not a good b-day unless you feel it the next day, right? ;)

Also, I'd be a bad puppy mommy if I didn't mention that my b-day marks Siena's 3-month b-day. Here's a few pics of how much she's grown and what she's been up to.

Siena has taken over the papasan, which is awesome because it's really not safe for people to sit in anyways because it's falling apart. Also, we can tell Siena to, "go to papa." And she does!

Siena has two poses, crazy and sad Orphane Annie. Here's two of Annie:

And one of crazy:

In conclusion, here's a Ryan and Siena moment of Zen. Ryan's probably mad at me for putting this on You Tube, but whatever. It was my birthday, and I can post video of him dancing if I want to.


Tish said...

how is it possible that i can cry in the same minute i start laughing uncontrollably? lol...i'm SO glad you had such a fun birthday and more than ever i wanted to be there. i brought you up thru out the slumber party (we watched trust the man in your honor as well) JUST so you could be with us.


Erin said...

Yay for great bdays! The moment I played the video Marti started barking...I think she wants to meet Siena!

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