
I like the color pink but not this much.

If you had asked me a few days ago if I liked the color pink, I would have said an enthusastic, "yes." If you would ask me the same question today, the answer would be much, much different. Sunday morning, I awoke to a swollen, crusty PINK right eyeball. It was also itchy, scratchy and I looked like freaking quasimodo. Even the husband didn't want to get too close to me!

Because it was a Sunday, I went to a Walgreens' quick clinic, where they gave me the standard eyedrops for pink eye. I followed the treatment and then expected to get up this morning with an only slightly pink eye. But, no, my eye was even worse than the previous day. So....this morning I went into my eye doctor who calmly explained that I have some weird really strong form of viral pink eye that's going around and, if not treated properly, can turn into meningitis. Awesome! I like to overachieve even when I'm sick.

So, today and tomorrow I'm working from home and trying to nurse my eye back to a healthy shade of white. Thankfully, Siena is a sleepy bugger during the day, so she's lounged while I've worked away.

Because I don't want all of you to be haunted with visuals of me being a pink-eyed monster (side story: While I was filling my prescription at Target, I actually had a guy come up to talk to me/hit on me. After saying hello, he took one look at my eye and seriously bolted. The eye has that effect on people.), I've gone ahead and posted some pictures from last week...a time when both of my eyes were as nature intended.

Ryan and I celebrated our 8-year dating anniversary a few days ago, and he brought me home some daisies, my favorite flower:

During the warm weather this weekend, Siena discovered the frisbee and it's awesome play and chew opportunities:

Siena also has just about finished off her toy tiger, who I fondly named Truman. It's only a matter of time for this little guy, who now oddly reminds me of something that would be in Pan's Labyrinth.

On Saturday, we took the pup over to see my parents and do our taxes. Here's a couple of good ones from our visit:


Tish said...

the pic of the pup and greg is the best ever...now that's the good stuff!

Erin said...

This is one time I'm actually glad not to be with you on a daily basis. I too surely would have come down with the disease. My eyes started watering because of your vivid description and my sympathy. Also, the Pan's Labyrinth comment made me laugh.

Alli said...

You are the 4 person in a month that I know who has had pink eye! Too weird and too scary! It is totally going around! Oh boy, I can feel my eyes starting to itch!

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