
A Day of Firsts

It's two days after Christmas, and the gifts and joy just keep coming. I'm lucky enough to have this entire week off, so I've been cleaning the house, donating clothes and household items we don't need, and I spent 30 minutes this morning dragging junk in our garage to the curb for big trash pick up day. I feel cleansed, yo. It's awesome.

But, today is not just another day around the house. Today is a BIG day. Tish gets her big break today, and I couldn't be more proud of her. The girl has been working her tail off and sacrificed a lot to go after her dream, and it's paying off. Good things do come to all whose wait...and pray, and work like a m-effer to get them. ;)

Also, Ryan and I are "meeting" a puppy at 6 pm today. If the meet-and-greet goes well, we'll be proud puppy parents of an 8-week-old mutt. I can't wait! In preparation for possible puppy in our home, I'm hitting up Petco for supplies. Gotta be ready!

AND, in just an hour or so I'm getting my hair cut. No severe choppage, but definitely some inches gone, some layers and some sort of side-swept bangs.

As always, photos of puppy (hopefully!) and hair are sure to come tomorrow. You know I have to share.

Happy Thursday!!! Best one of the year. :)


miss.supafly said...

What's Tish's big break??? Should I be recording something on my TiVo? I hope you post pics of your hair along with your puppy (should everything go as planned).

Jenn said...

Tish is doing some background work on Young and the Restless. Should air next week! :) It's beginning for her!

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