
No snow day, no ice day, but, really, I’m not bitter.

I did pout a little this morning about having to go to work. I’m not gonna lie. A snow day would have been sooo nice. A nice breakfast at home. Sipping on good coffee. A little Ellen or Oprah on in the background while I e-mail, edit and write away. But oh no…the office was open. And, I couldn’t get my internet to work at home, rendering any attempts to work there pointless. And, really I had no excuse not to go to work because I have no children. Score one for the man.

However, with temperatures currently hovering at 33 (note: one degree above freezing), our wet roads can quickly turn into an ice rink. We might even get snow tonight! Well, that’s if you believe the weather forecasters hype, which can always be doubted because they’re hardly ever right. However, I guess I’m buying into it because my butt is about to rush home early to avoid the possible craziness of rush hour. Plus, I can still edit from home on paper. And catch Oprah.

One of the craziest things of this storm -- besides how freaked out people get over weather, myself included -- is seeing transformers blow. Last night Ryan and I awoke to the strangest boom-like sound (which I originally thought was thunder because of all the rain) followed by blue and green flashes of light. I told Ryan that it’s the Midwest’s version of the Northern Lights.

Another highlight (for lack of a better term) of the storm is that the trees are beautiful. Sure, because they’re all covered in ice they’re more likely to break off and onto your house, your car or you, but they’re still gorgeous. On the drive in this morning, some of the tree’s branches were so weighted down and low that my little car just had enough room to pass under them. I think Ryan described it best when he said the trees on Sommerset were “eating the road.”

It looks like I should have enough light to take some pics of the trees and my street when I get home. I’ll post as soon as I do!

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