
Siena, meet friends. Friends, meet Siena.

Here she is, the cutest dog in the world (next to Marti, Biskette and Digby, of course). Welcome to the Walters' family Siena!

Also, and far less exciting, is my new haircut. Not a ton different, but it's shorter and I have almost bangs. I'm pleased with it, and can't wait to try it straight.

Plan on seeing lots of puppy photos...you know I'm going to be one of those crazy pet owners. You've been warned. All is fair in puppy love...click here and here for some video (she's totally wiped and mild in these, but DARN precious) to kick the Siena obsession off!


Erin said...

Oh my gosh, she's so adorable! I LOVE!! What a sleepy little girl. I can't wait for the rambunctiousness. Your hair is cute too, but it's hard to compete with that bundle of fur!

miss.supafly said...

Sooo cute on both accounts.

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