
The pitter-patter of little feet, er, paws?

It’s well known that Ryan and I plan on adopting a puppy in early 08 (or late 07 if I have my way). Lately, I've been addicted to http://www.petfinder.com/, which has introduced me to the following heart tuggers who are eargerly awaiting adoption:

Seriously...with those eyes...and little noses...and fuzzy ears...I want them all!


Erin said...

Oh my! How will you ever decide??

elizabethjune said...

i like the little black puppy... and i'm obsessed with petfinder too and i'm not even getting a dog... oh i can't wait for you to get a puppy!!!!!!!

Tish said...

i understand ryan's dilemma now...i'm sad. get all three! please...

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