
Whoops a Yummy

Tonight Bert and I made sherbet muffins, entirely by accident. Let me explain.

This past Sunday, Ryan and I made a lovely little trip to the grocery store. After getting in a ridiculous argument over the coolness of sports jerseys worn by regular folk (Ryan hates them unless they're George Brett's, I think they're fine as long as they're tasteful), we did our weekly food shopping in silence except for the occasional grunt and command -- "pick out your yogurt." I also accidentally ran over Ryan's foot. I'm such an adult.

Anywho, during my pissed off state, I apparently grabbed a box of lemon cake mix instead of chocolate cake mix and never even realized it until tonight, when I went to make my pumpkin-chocolate muffins (aka, uber tasty -- and healthy -- muffins that anyone can make with only a can of pumpkin and the box of mix) and was greatly disappointed to find a box of lemon cake mix staring back at me.

Completely defeated, I went to Ryan cursing. He suggested I just use the lemon instead of the chocolate. Lemon and pumpkin isn't a combination I'd normally put together, but for fun I decided to try it.

Here is Bert working the eerily similar color batter:

And here is the finished product:

Lo and behold, the lemon-pumpkin muffins rock. They taste kind of sherbet-y, and I imagine they'd be excellent with vanilla or cream cheese frosting.

Ryan gives this mistake a thumbs up and has been driven crazy by tastiness:

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